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Agnesi Home Page
CSU, LosAngeles
Gray's Home Page

A likeness of the figure attributed to Grandi.

Agnesi's Figures (1748)
Pascal's Triangle did not originate with Pascal.  The Pythagorean Theorem was known long before Pythagoras.  The cornerstone of our sacred axiomatic system probably did not originate with Euclid.  Certainly most of the mathematics was already known.        Later, Taylor did not "invent" the Taylor Series.  James Gregory was working on Taylor Series when Taylor was only a few days old.  Maclaurin did not invent the Maclaurin Series.  Mercator discovered the Maclaurin Series for ln( 1 +x) before Maclaurin was born........... Science and mathematics have numerous examples of people credited for work that was already known to others.

MGA selected these three curves to end her first volume, Tomo I, the background preparation for the Calculus starting in Vol. 2.   Instructors and students should note her choice of curves that exquisitely illustrate a maximum, a line of symmetry, an asymptote, an example of a function approaching zero as the x approaches positive or negative infinity, a cusp, and a folium.

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